Fashion Icon of the Fortnight - KYLIE JENNER

WELCOME HUNNY BUNNIES TO THE FIRST POST OF MY FESTIVE SEASON! If you don't follow me on Twitter then you may not know that I am coming back with a bang, by posting a new blog post on here EVERY SINGLE DAY for the next 3 weeks! Between the 19th December and the 9th January I will be posting something on here for you guys just as the holiday and party season rolls over.

With my first post it was no surprise what I wanted to do; a good ol' 'Fashion Icon of the Fortnight'. Usually I like to keep the people I crown fresh and new, bringing in celebrity females from all types of platforms and giving them a little credit for what they've been up to recently. However, from the title of this blog post you can see that this week I will be crowning King Kylie as my FIOTF, and you may or may not know that I already have done so in the past.
From multiple posts it has been pretty clear that I have a fervent love for the youngest Kardashian/Jenner sister, and will always look up to her for her fashion and beauty choices. As I haven't spoken about her in a while and it has been quite a long time since I crowned her this title, I thought that I should speak about her again.

Since the last time I spoke about Kylie, it was during the time that she was coming more and more in to the public eye, being ridiculed and put under a magnifying glass for her lips and changing appearance. I spoke about how I admire the fact that, at only 17/18, she was able to face so much scrutiny for something that she felt so self-conscious about and how, if that was me, I would've done the same thing.
I relate a lot to Kylie in the way that I have never been happy with my lips and their small size, and if I could change them and had the power to do so, I would (also if I wasn't to scared, although the thought that they were only semi-permanent would've made me feel a bit better).

I don't want to talk about this again, however, as I want to talk about 'Kylie Cosmetics' and how she has been able to grow an empire out of something that she was ridiculed for. Kylie spent a long period of time having people point out her lips, making memes, creating the 'Kylie Jenner Challenge' and she managed to capitalise and profit off of the "bad press" that she was receiving. With this, she introduced her 'Kylie Cosmetics' lip-kits, bringing out a whole magnitude of colours over the years, before venturing out a couple of months ago (around her birthday) in to other products, like her 'ky-shadows' and 'ky-liners'.
Being a Business Student I am always super impressed reading about different business ventures, especially created by those that are incredibly young and new to the game. I think that the way she turned everything round so quickly and became such a young entrepreneur is very inspiring for her younger audience, and it frustrates me that everyone still manages to point out and focus on the most irrelevant factors of her life. Kylie can post about new products and how proud she is that her business has grown so much and the tabloids will still read something exploiting or negative; for example, she opened her first pop-up store the other day and not one headline did I read say how much work and preparation she has put in to getting this far with her business, they all just focused on a campaign video that played in the background that showed her cuddling up to her boyfriend, Tyga.

I feel like Kylie gets a lot of ridicule just for being who she is. Being part of the Kardashian's, a lot of people have an opinion and want to put in their two cents, although I don't understand how Kendall has managed to disassociate herself and her image from her family and Kylie hasn't. I think, as Kylie gets a lot of stick for practically nothing (she gets so much for wearing outfits that SO many people wear, and she's such a fashion icon that she is probably one of the most influential females in fashion at the moment) I will always be supportive of her and try and give her credit where it is earned.
So many people are ready to jump on her for whatever she has, and often her achievements get overshadowed because of her fame. This is what I stand for when I create posts like this and I will carry on trying to bring positivity and shed light where it is needed!

Thank you guys so much for reading, remember to keep up-to-date with all my posts being put up this holiday season; if you want to check out my Twitter links are to the left, I will also be posting some videos soon on my YouTube so keep an eye out!

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