Fashion Icon of the Fortnight - CHLOE MORETZ
I've had this blog post in my drafts for a while, but I haven't posted it due to a couple of reasons. I've been conflicted about whether I should post about Chloe as recently a lot of people's opinions of her have changed, which has made me a little reluctant to mention her. However, my heart tells me that this is the right choice and, in my opinion, she deserves to be acknowledged and be crowned my 'Fashion Icon of the Fortnight'.
Ever since I was a child I've been watching films with Chloe in, and as we are similar in age I do feel as though I have watched her grow up beside me. Although a lot of films that she did star in when she was younger are horror films, they are things that, as I've got older, I've been able to see and enjoy watching. There's no hiding that she is extremely good at what she does, and being in the industry for so long it is obvious that she knows what she is doing, and hasn't been phased by fame.
Although there has been a lot of controversy surrounding her, I do feel as though everyone undermines her talent because of this. It's no secret that the public love drama and celebrities love to cause it. Everyone has an opinion and what they think is right, however when celebrities and those in the public eye do share theirs, a lot of people will disagree. So when the whole feud came about between Chloe and Kim Kardashian, I myself was torn as I saw where both parties were coming from. Chloe commented that we need to start teaching young girls that you can be liberated without having to use your body or take off your clothes, which Kim replied saying about how proud she was of her body. I think Chloe is right that you should be able to feel liberated with not just your body, but also your mind, but you shouldn't be ashamed of who you are, both physically and mentally, which I think is what Kim was touching on. Obviously, Kim was extremely "salty" back to Chloe, which caused many people to turn on Chloe and start sending her extremely hateful comments, saying that she was a "fraud" for labelling herself a feminist. This was also similar to when she was open about her presidential vote, claiming her support for Hillary Clinton.
A lot of people on my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram were highly supportive of Bernie (which would've been my choice if I had been able to vote, however I am not an American citizen), and as soon as she spoke her mind about her support for Hillary and what she believes she can do for women and the increase of feminism, many people did not like this as she was going against the majority. Now, I don't want to go in to politics, it's not something that you usually see on my blog (although I am very opinionated on the subject) but I feel like there is a lot worse of a choice she could've made (guess who) and even then, it's her own choice! Because she is so publicised it is difficult for anyone in that position to speak out and have an opinion as odds are not everyone will agree! What I love about Chloe is that, even when everyone is pitting against her, she still stands by her word. When she was getting hate about the whole Hillary support agenda she still posted about it on the daily because she did not care what anyone else thought, which I admire!
Chloe is definitely a beautiful girl that holds a lot of passion and feels the need to use her voice. I think in some cases there are times where she may get her message twisted, but everything she is fighting for is for the greater good. She gives across the right message but it's sometimes distorted when it is received, which can happen with anything!
I feel as though Chloe is such a great model, however, and being only 18 and so invested in politics just shows how much the new generation are evolving and trying to save the world.
Also, you know I couldn't write about Chloe without mentioning Brooklyn. I know they're not together anymore and I know the world is still mourning their split but have you ever seen anyone so beautiful, come on (I mean it's no wonder when you look at his parents, they have the genes of gods!)
Thank you so much for reading, hopefully you enjoyed this post, it took me a little longer to write as I have been so busy, and I know that I've been so bad recently; I NEED TO GET BACK ON THE HORSE!
Remember that in the mean time you can follow my Twitter as well as my YouTube where i post every weekend, I am also running a giveaway so go check out my pinned tweet!
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