Fashion Icon of the Fortnight - LAUREN JAUREGUI

Fifth Harmony are arguably one of the biggest girl groups of the 21st Century, dropping iconic songs, such as 'Work From Home', 'Worth It' and 'Flex' all in the space of a YEAR! These girls are definitely killing the game at the moment, and, as you've seen in a few of my posts I am a huge fan of them; musically, fashion-wise and also based on personality and character. Camila was one of my first 'Fashion Icon of the Fortnight's as well as Lauren and Normani being regulars when it comes to y monthly 'Style Steals' post; however, looking back through all the people that I have named my 'FIOTF' so far, I was surprised that I had forgotten to name Lauren as one of my queens of fashion, only because (not being biased) she is my favourite member.

When you watch the girls perform or see them on the red carpet, I feel like Lauren definitely is one that takes the back seat and isn't someone that hogs the limelight, but she's always the one that I seem to focus on. Fashion wise, I feel as though I relate to her style more than the others, as she literally can pull off every look, yet seems to be the most likely to sport a more casual, low-maintenance look; something that I idolise when it comes to celebrities.
The grunge vibe that she seems to bring with her fashion sense is definitely on-trend, and I think it brings a different vibe to the group as a whole. No doubt when you look at these girls as a whole they definitely work together with their style, and their outfits all co-ordinate either on the red carpet, on stage or sitting down for an interview. Yet they all seem to have different styles that makes them all individual; Lauren's being the grunge look with an extremely feminine vibe (one of my favourite styles).
She's often seen sporting the odd chunky choker necklace, and chunky boots; however is often seen sporting a very natural look on her Instagram, which is SUCH a beautiful look for her (honestly, have you seen them brows?!)

In terms of personality, Lauren seems like one of the most down to earth girls in the business, as well as someone that doesn't take anything for granted. Looking at her social media she is very family-orientated and hasn't let fame get the best of her, always surrounding herself with loved ones and friends. Some of the girls from Fifth Harmony seem extremely close, with Lauren always being in the mix, which shows that she is a very adoring character.
She, like some of the others of 5H, is very open and vocal about her views and opinions when it comes to certain topics, something that she has said should be a factor that comes with fame (I totally agree, I feel like if you have the voice and the power, you should be using it for good rather than pure selfish reasons). Lauren has spoken on multiple occasions about feminism, something I feel strongly about as well as many others, and the words she has spoken has been nothing but true. I remember seeing a photo of her at the beach with Camila, and all the articles that mentioned their outing were just focused on her weight and appearance which made me furious. They compared her to Camila, as well as the other girls, and it made me so mad reading what they were saying when she has one of the healthiest bodies I have ever seen (and in all fairness, no WAY is she big or even broad). Lauren addressed the articles with a "f*ck you" attitude which I admire; no one should take in consideration the thoughts of shallow-minded people, however I can only imagine how it feels to have people say awful things about you on a national scale.

For everything that Lauren is, and what she believes and inspires, I think that it is only necessary that I name her my next, Fashion Icon of the Fortnight'. I only ever mention those that I believe to be some of the best role models in the business, and in fairness ALL the girls in Fifth Harmony have voiced and stood up for what they believe in, things that so many people have to battle on day-to-day bases, whether it be about appearance, race, weight, or even mental health. Lauren is someone that inspires me a lot and, although they are still extremely young, I definitely look up to them in what they're doing. I have been fans of the girls ever since the 'Better Together' days (honestly every song on there was my jam; I remember dancing around my room to 'Don't Wanna Dance Alone' and singing 'Leave My Heart Out of This' dramatically), so I feel like they have come so far which just shows how hardworking and passionate they are. You go, girls!

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