Fashion Icon of the Fortnight: MILEY CYRUS

I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED SCHOOL FOREVER! In fact, I finished over a month ago but I've been preoccupied, sorry this blog has been neglected during exams - but I'm finally back from my 3 year hiatus and ready to release a new album named, 'Save Rock and Roll' (blogger tip: always open up a blog post with a Fall Out Boy joke).

Anyway, what better way to make a comeback than to add to my favourite series of posts, my 'Fashion Icon of the Fortnights', that don't actually have a large amount to do with fashion, but look more at the deeper issues that I think are important to praise in women (and sometimes men) in the public eye.

If you've been watching gossip shows or reading tabloid magazines then you may have heard about Miley Cyrus' recent statement that she is "bisexual" and "gender-fluid"; however Miley has significantly raised that she just doesn't label herself or fits in to the binary genders that society has created over the years to do with the segregation of men and women. With gossip columns labelling her with these titles linked to sexuality and gender defeats the whole subject that she is touching upon, as just mentioned she raised that she didn't want to be labelled, but here the news are, labelling her once again.

I have always admired Miley from a young age, watching Hannah Montana since I was 12 and always seeing her as a true role model. Being young I was extremely influenced by the girls from Disney Channel, however what made me find inspiration from Miley was her kind spirit and he love for animals, that is still seen today with her amazing home filled with many dogs and cats. It was only 2 years ago that Miley returned, causing controversy from her "explicit" videos, yet I found them incredibly artistic as she tried to highlight that she is only being targeted as she is a woman; she mentioned in an interview after the 'We Can't Stop' video released that like she brought attention to "twerking" (although it has been around for years) and people labelled it as crude and distasteful, but she highlighted that Elvis created dance moves in his time that we considered risqué, but being a well-respected man in the music industry nobody would've labelled him a "slut" due to his gender, which opened my eyes more on the subject of gender roles and misogyny. She was able to articulate what it is like for female artists to grow in the public eye, which she was doing by returning with her album, 'Bangerz'. She received the most backlash with the video for 'Wrecking Ball' when she appeared sitting naked on a wrecking ball. Yet this was utilised to show her vulnerability felt after she split with boyfriend, Liam Hemsworth; but, again, it was taken as her being distasteful and too revealing for a girl that is "expected" to be an idol for young children, which comPLETELY PUSHES MY BUTTONS!

The idea that Miley is expected to be a role model for young children so has to act a certain way has been an issue that has bugged me for a long time. First of all, those that grew up watching Miley have grown up, also, and watching her as Hannah Montana at the age of 12 I was the average age for those that watched Disney Channel, meaning that, at 18, I'm pretty sure I do not find her artistic videos and speaking out for equal rights offensive. Also, she uses her fame for A LOT of good causes and has continuously brought awareness to different causes and movements that have helped young people around the world live a long, happy and respectable life that they have always dreamed of having. How can anyone say that that is not her being a good idol or that she has "gone down the wrong path"? I understand that many parents wouldn't expect someone from Disney Channel to be promoting the fact that she smokes weed and does drugs, but she does not push drug use on to anyone, and what she decides to do with her life is up to her. She is an adult, and the fact that she was on Disney Channel fro the age of 14 does not mean that she has to fit in to the child-like boundaries that are set when you are on a children's TV show; because 'Hannah Montana' finished over 5 years ago, and she is free to live her life how she wants and happily at that cost.

My opinion is that if she's doing something that doesn't harm anyone else, let her make her own decisions. Looking at the bigger picture, the amount of work that she puts in to working alongside the 'Happy Hippie Foundation' and working with young youths across America it should cancel out any tainted personalities people have labelled her with. And again, her most recent "scandal" surrounded the fact that she went swimming topless the other day in a public area, which people replied as crude. However, one argument that has always bothered me was that that surrounded the sexualisation of women's breasts when it is found acceptable for men to be topless in public. The fact that many people fired at Miley how "disgusting" it was that she thought it was respectable to be topless, raised many celebrities and famous faces to fight back, like Halsey, who is often one to defend women and the role of feminism (often seen on my blog because of how badass she is). I love that, nowadays, it is extremely common to see women defending each other and their roles in society. Feminism is something that is growing by the day, and women, like Miley, are people that should be considered a benefit to the world, for the amount of awareness she brings to minorities and the strong morals that she preaches to the next generation.

As I have mentioned MANY times on my blog, Miley is and will always be my biggest inspiration and i will continue to idolise her for years to come, and a fun fact for you: Miley was my first EVER FIOTF but I didn't like the post and the way that it was written, so when I redesigned by blog I deleted many of my first blog posts, including Miley's, so here's a new update and hopefully I won't delete it in the future when I realise how articulate I sound!

Sorry again that I haven't been posting as much, I've been trying to keep updated, also, on my music blog (link in tabs bar) so if you want to go check that out I'm trying to catch up with all my concerts and reviews for these before Neck Deep, DON BROCO and Knuckle Puck all release their new albums and I have to write reviews on them (who knew it was such hard work!) I hope to keep blogging a lot more before I go off to uni, and I'm also hoping that once I'm there inspiration will hit, as I've been stuck with writer's block for a long time! BUT, what I can guarantee is that this will not be the last you hear from me (I sound like a comic book villain), so keep you eyes peeled for more posts in the future! In the mean time, you can follow me on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram!

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